Thursday 17 July 2014

Attacking the Fanboy: Trolling a Troll

Attacking the Fanboy: Trolling a Troll

 I recently signed up to the IGN forums mainly just in case I ever stumble across an article that I felt deserved a comment, as I for one love reading forums mainly to laugh at Fanboys. As the Internet becomes a place for everyone to share their views, many people see it as the place where their views are the only thing that should matter and be correct.
 What follows below is my attempt to correct this behavior with one particular self centered person who made comments thought brought a little fire in me and encouraged me over the course of the past few days to hunt down all of his posts and try some corrective behavior modification. I'm aware I sound like an idiot at time here too but its all in the nature of the sport. Enjoy:

Shadowmesiah 12 days ago
No PS4 owners did NOT buy a ps4 for games like Shovel Knight. PS4 owners pretty much already owned a PS3. Why did they buy a PS4? To's not rocket science, it's a fact. Why did they upgrade? Because of BETTER graphics. That's right let me repeat it cause i know it didn't sink in. Because of BETTER graphics. If they didn't want better graphics THEY WOULDN'T HAVE UPGRADED THEIR CONSOLE! PS4 = more power, better GPU, better everything for? BETTER GAMING BETTER GRAPHICS........ You need to go back to your little nintendo DS where you belong. With the little kids and their DS' where Shovel Knight belongs. Paying $500+ for a console to play Shovel Knight.......Wake Up people.

    • shaggydan22 to Shadowmesiah • 9 days ago
      As a PS4 owner I can say yes I bought a PS4 to play Games including Indie Games as Sony waved a big schlong full of them in my face and Microsoft decided to alienate indie developers. I love games like Super Meat Boy, Fez, Octodad, Outlast and Limbo to name but a few. So stop saying PS4 owners didn't buy there consoles for Indie Games. YOU didn't buy your ps4 for Indie Games and Shovel Knight

    • Shadowmesiah shaggydan22 • 9 days ago
      Nice brand new account just so you can make false claims........go away liar!

    • shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
      new account please mate, I'm just a guy sick of hearing you speak for a group of people and not yourself, your opinion is yours and no one else's stop trying to impose your views on other people. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and nobody is wrong when it comes to their opinion. Also stop trying to say people are autistic just cause they don't share your opinion maybe you should see a doctor as you clearly have rage issues and extreme narcissism, I think you must have a close relative with autism hence why you're trying to subconsciously raise some sort of awareness but you just have to understand some people don't like the same things that you do. AND THATS OK, there is nothing wrong with it, maybe you're a repressed homosexual whose father was a massive homophobe and wouldn't let you have your barbies just your action men and he beat it into you that you must only like what he likes now being a father yourself your aggressively becoming him but over the internet. You also use guest accounts to back up your opinions which you've just accused someone else of doing. I created this account just to say all this because quite frankly you need help. AND please for the love of god go see someone

    • Guest shaggydan22 • 9 days ago
      You must be either under 12 or need to see a doctor. Autism and OCD is very common in people who don't know it.

      1. Shadowmesiah Breathe_Easy • 12 days ago
        You keep contradicting yourself.
        You don't compare games.....
        you do compare games.
        You played the heck out of Pacman on the Atari
        You barely remember playing on the Atari
        You're a Shovel Knight Lover who already plays and loves it. Go back to your nintendo!
        You're not a PS4 owner who bought a PS4 so you can play games like Shovel Knight

shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 9 days ago
As a PS4 owner I can say yes I bought a PS4 to play Games including Indie Games

You diddnt stop speaking for all PS4 owners your making us sound like toss

Shadowmesiah shaggydan22 • 9 days ago
On your brand new account Shaggydan22 AKA Breathe_Easy lmfao Grow up douche....lying and pretending to be someone else, making false claims. LMFAO Loser.

shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
Listen pal GET HELP. I wish it was as simple as I put in my previous post this isn't Breathe_Easy just look at the way it's typed for starters any idiot can see that it's 2 different people just by the style in which we type. Now please as per my other post get help and leave people on the internet to there own opinions. This chap breathe_easy just said that this game is good as he has it for his DS which he owns and good on him for supporting the game industry and good on him for having his own preference of consoles, he doesn't have to justify any of that to you. SECONDLY this post is about a game and as breathe easy owns the game he has every right to inform anyone on here that it is good game as I personally love indie games and sony seems intent on making us aware that they are supporting there development. Breath_easy has every right to post just about anything he wants, free speech is available for a reason do you know who the last person to try and rid free speech was Hitler ARE YOU HITLER

Breathe_Easy Shadowmesiah • 13 days ago
Graphics is a form of visual art though. You may think it looks like garbage and can't appreciate it but there could be millions of people that feel differently about it. I'm one of them. I'm not trying to change your opinion, I just think you should accept that there are people that feel differently than you do about these "retro" games and their graphics.

    • Shadowmesiah Breathe_Easy • 13 days ago
      graphics is a form of visual art. With today's standards, the graphical art in shovel knight is POO. If you think differently then maybe you need your eyes tested?

    • Breathe_Easy Shadowmesiah • 12 days ago
      My eyes are just fine. If Shovel Knight's art direction doesn't favor your tastes, that's fine too. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

      • Shadowmesiah Breathe_Easy • 12 days ago
        it isn't about it favouring my tastes. You are trying to compare stick figure drawings to The Mona Lisa. You can disagree all you like but you're a bias idiot if you think shovel Knight is visually stunning for the year 2014.

        • shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
          here is another contradiction before you said you todays standards are what counts and we shouldn't draw on the past yet here you reference a painting hundreds of years old, by your definition the Mona Lisa is shit by todays standards and anyone who still uses oil paints is living in the past and become a photographer or better yet a 3d printer. I think to make a game or painting thats so reminiscent of the past but stands up to todays qualities is outstanding which is why I loved Super Meat Boy so much as it was a modern looking platformed that had all the hallmarks of an old platformer. Which makes me believe I will love the little touches of love for the genre that this game has made. Based on your logic we would never have had the film super 8 which was fantastically shot and had the old 8mm and nostalgic 80's feel to it. You should try reliving your childhood perhaps with a trained psychiatrist, If you're in the UK I could recommend one to you as I am myself one. or if you would like I could conduct sessions over the internet with you for a reduced rate of £50 sterling an hour i may even go for two. Please see someone about your rage and self serving attitude towards over people, I believe something deep rooted has cause you to become so defensive whilst not even being attacked

Shadowmesiah Breathe_Easy • 11 days ago
Okay you want to go round in circles? Let me repeat myself.....i would try and say it slower so you can understand.
I did not buy a PS4 for $600 to play games like Shovel Knight. There is no if's and but' don't own a PS4 so you cant argue!!!

        1. shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
          Why do you keep coming back to price all the time (BTW in the UK PS4's are like £350) all games should be welcome on the system as the fact that this game has generated such press means people will buy and love this game which in turn puts money into the big sony cash fund which they then can spend on making more big brash realistic shooters or whatever it is you play. the more games on the store doesn't stop you from enjoying your ps4 unless in actual fact you are not enjoying it and simply want more games out that will please only you, this is another example of your selfish narcissistict behaviour its the classic signs of either A) a serial killer or B) a repressed homosexual or C) a victim of child abuse. You can have all the games you want but you must learn that it is ok for other people to have the games they want on the system that they want, Sony made it pretty clear from day one that this console was to be for all gamers to share by all gamers I mean every single last one of them from your mmo'ers to your indie gamers to your retro gamers, casual gamers and even AAA loving meatheads such as yourself. WE ALL PAID $600 or the equivalent and we did so for our own reasons that do not need to be dictated by you, all 7 million of us. THANK YOU AND GOOD DAY
Shadowmesiah Breathe_Easy • 13 days ago
I appreciated those simple graphics 30 years ago and appreciated them then. this game is a MASSIVE step backward in graphics. This is a fact you only need to compare this game to old games and current games.

    • shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
      If this game has such bad graphics then please draw me a screenshot from this game using your computer, in actual fact please create a ten second animation that has this type of finesse and control that and old new game has, this game probably couldn't run on an old school computer because the graphics hardware wouldn't be able to generate some of the colours and textures
Shadowmesiah setsae • 13 days ago
I wouldn't download it free with PSN+
Shovel knight on PS4 would be a JOKE

      • shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
        You sir are a JOKE, if you would open you're mind and actually play some of these games you would see the care and attention that goes into these games as oppose to the call of duty big cut scene lots of filler 8 hours and we're done approach some of the best games are the ones that have hidden paths secrets and keep you busy for hours after completion. I'm not saying its just indie games either AAA titles such as ACIV and Metal Gear V:Ground Zeroes have kept my interest well after completion and considering GZ was only about an hour long in main story I still found another 26 hours out of it and I'm only 82% on my completion rate. Unless you've played these games don't bother comment on them as according to you if you don't own it you have no right.

      • Shadowmesiah trevor_moe • 12 days ago
        Shovel Knight or Destiny hmmmm what a tough decision. If you bought your PS4 for $600 to play Shovel Knight then why should anyone listen to you? Don't be an idiot!

    • trevor_moe Shadowmesiah • 11 days ago
      1. Destiny isn't out.
      2. Anybody who paid $600 for a PS4 is an idiot.
      3. I don't own a PS4.
      4. You, sir, are a graphics whore. A fairweather gamer if there ever was one. I award you no points.

      • Shadowmesiah trevor_moe • 11 days ago
        1, Destiny Beta in 2 days
        2, 9 million + people and counting have bought a ps4 as it;s the best console on the market.
        3. If you don't own a PS4 are you too stupid to realize that you actually have no right to even comment. As you have no idea what a PS4 owner feels?
        4. PS4 owners do like graphics, that's why we 9 million+ bought one.

shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
1. 7million have been sold 9 million shipped

2. I played the Alpha its a great game but It's still not out yet
3. I own a PS4 and you sir, you're letting all 7 million of us down
4. There is a reason so many people argue with you on here it's because your views are warped and you believe you speak for everyone, well you don't and they argue because you are not the voice of PS4 owners no shut up when grown folks talk

      1. Shadowmesiah trevor_moe • 10 days ago
        1. Beta's Do count....believe it or not but they are real.
        2.It actually cost's more, after buying ps+, a controller and game.
        3. The DS is mostly played by kids under the age of 12. The PS4 is brand new and major releases are on their way.
        4. Graphics is the future of gaming

        1. shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
          1. Betas aren't an actual release as only people who preordered the game get to play them, Killzone shadow fall had the best next generation graphics I have seen on a console to date yet had a dire story and slow gameplay. I was impressed that the loading screen was never present throughout the story but that is it , the game I've enjoyed most on my PS4 is outlast but I know I may enjoy wolfenstein and perhaps the order if it comes out this year oh and far cry. Daylight was toss though(my opinion)
          2. You're obsessed with how much you paid for it, do you not feel you're getting your moneys worth hence why you're angry that all the games aren't to you're liking if so then get you're money back build a console for you buy you that does games just for you. invest that $600 into something you'll enjoy like a blow job at a truck stop
          3. DS's have a huge market for both children and adults due to a lot of there games using the muscles in your brain that deal with day to day activities. And lets face it who doesn't love Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Kirby.
          4. Graphics are not the future of gaming, gameplay is the future of gaming because with out gameplay you'd just be watching a film and if someone finds a different type of gameplay to you THAT IS OK

        2. Shadowmesiah • 13 days ago
          The FACT is nobody in this world has bought a PS4 for $500+ so that they can play shovel knight on it.

    1. shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 8 days ago
      I did

      1. Shadowmesiah shaggydan22 • 7 days ago
        Proving yourself to be a TOTAL idiot. Your opinions are 100% disregarded and should not be listened to by anybody. I won't be responding to you ever again.

        1. shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 7 days ago
          Proving you have no rebutle for the truths I laid out at you yesterday simple self observed people are like that, you continue to argue your point and going through old post I can see you're quite the keyboard warrior. So since I had the last say here I'm assuming I've won. But like I said if you want talk over the reasons for all this petty nileistic and selfish attitude you have to all other peoples opinions I can research and write a referral for you to see someone about it in your area. Your opinion of me is just that an opinion not fact you believe me to be an idiot but some people believe I am genius, I wish you health and happiness and please look into bettering yourself as a human being

        2. Shadowmesiah • 4 days ago
          Such a shame it cant be played co-op with a mate. AC unity have it right.........pitty it's on AC lol

Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 16 hours ago
This is the correct way to pot ray an opinion from this I can see you don't like AC but you've not forced that down anyones throat, I like AC the combat is a bit receptive but some of the stuff you can do lkeeps me entertained like being a pirate

Shadowmesiah jewagent • 2 days ago
in freeplay mode only without the pausing ability HELL YEAH......that would be awesome!

    • Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 16 hours ago
      You seem to be behaving yourself here

Shadowmesiah Shaggydan22 • 14 hours ago
You have been reported for harassment. Harassment is a criminal offense. Please do not comment on any more of my posts. Enjoy your Day. You have been warned.........this means you are aware you are harassing me. If you continue to reply on my posts it will be harassment and a criminal offense. Please leave me alone FOREVER. Enjoy your day.

Fanboy on fanboy action...

    • Shadowmesiah  pvzpro • 5 hours ago
      do you know what a fanboy is?

    • pvzpro  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
      Yea it's someone like truefan. It's people who troll every single day and can't accept anything good from one side but praise everything by their side

      • Shadowmesiah  pvzpro • 5 hours ago
        nope, it isn't.

        • pvzpro  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
          Okay tell me what it is then

          1. Shadowmesiah  pvzpro • 5 hours ago
            a "fanboy" is a "fan"
            1. Shaggydan22  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
              an apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation.

              1. Shadowmesiah  Shaggydan22 • 5 hours ago
                harassment I warned you i won't be doing it again. Leave me alone please!!!

            2. pvzpro  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
              There's a reason why one is called fanboy and one is called fan. Fanboys can only like one side where a fan can like anything just one thing more
              1. Shadowmesiah  pvzpro • 5 hours ago
                nope, a fan will not support it's opposition. that's going against the definition of what a fan is.
                1. Shaggydan22  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
                  Then please acknowledge that people are entitled to like what they want and have an opinion on what they want, you carry your PS4 fanboy hard on around like everyone should have the same opinion as you and because you said it it must be fact. I am a fan of GAMING, I am willing to try just about any game as long as it's interesting and I have fun whilst playing it, I have a Wii U, 3DS(this does not make me a child which is your OPINION) and a PS4 I will get an Xbox one when the Halo Collection is released because in my opinion I am excited to play halo 1,2 and 3 in 1080p 60fps if possible. not 4 I didn't care for it but some people did and that is ok. I'm just trying to make you understand that just because people don't have the same opinion as you doesn't mean they are not right and until you acknowledge this I'm afraid I shall have to continue my work with you. I even have you down in my appointment book so we can work through your issues I lose £50 an hour every time I do this. but its worth it and I know your reading my comments as you've replied twice now and I can see from your other comments that progress has been made

Shaggydan22  Shadowmesiah • 4 hours ago
You like to debate so much with other people and your passionate about all this yet when someone comes up with answers you don't like or says something true and you have no way of responding you simply call them an idiot and ignore them which is unhealthy. I wonder what your like in your personal life and at work this I would love to study because you are so strong sat at your keyboard, I wonder whether you have been bullied as a child or get bullied at work. I would love write my next thesis on you if you would kindly write me your life story and let me examine your behaviours

      1. pvzpro  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
        So I'm a fan of buffalo bills so I can't like the ravens? I like kobe Bryant so I can't like anyone el

        1. Shadowmesiah  pvzpro • 5 hours ago
          i don't know who or what they are.....
          If you are a Manchester united "fan" then you support Manchester united.
          If you go and support Arsenal then you are going against Manchester United.
          This would mean you are not a true "fan"
          You can like them both sure......but a "fan" you wouldn't be.
          A Fan will support what they are a fan of......and they can't do that by supporting it's opposition.

Shaggydan22  Shadowmesiah • 4 hours ago
A fan of football however is free to support which ever team he likes, a fan of Manchester United also has a mutual respect for other teams that do well with their club. For example I believe Sergio Aguero is a class player and Manchester City are doing an excellent job, I support Manchester United through and through since I was a wee boy at Old Trafford watching the king grace the fields

pvzpro  Shadowmesiah • 5 hours ago
That would be also the definition of being a sheep. Like whatever you like.... athletes usually get along with their rivals after the game. They can be fans of each other lol

Shadowmesiah  pvzpro • 5 hours ago
that has nothing to do with sheep. Athletes getting along with rivals is also irrelevant. You simply are not a fan if you go and support the opposition.

Shaggydan22  Shadowmesiah • 4 hours ago
I buy football shirts from various clubs like Tottenham so I can have an old school Ginola Shirt and Newcastle for a shearer shirt am I not a fan, I also have Celtic Shirts and St Mirren from the scottish league

Shadowmesiah c381996 • 2 days ago
have treyarch have absolutely nothing to do with COD since they are the ones that stuffed COD up with the beginning of COD's FALL to SH*T when they created Black Ops. COD 4 and MW2 are the best of COD. It's all rubbish after that and has only gotten worse!

Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • a day ago
Again another of your opinions you are stating as fact Treyarch did a fantastic job to me and the people that bought and liked it for both Zombie and MP and even the campaign had more than the set pieces infinity ward produced in my opinion (see what I did there

Shadowmesiah c381996 • 2 days ago
MW3 without unlimited marathon was crap and was more like Black ops than what it was like MW2.
COD was about the fast pace......Black Ops has made that disappear, with all the games since following more in the black ops style instead of the MW style. That's why today COD is crap.
Ghosts was a failed attempt to get back to the MW style with the unlimited marathon and fast paced. They just stuffed up far too many things with ghosts.

Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • a day ago
Another excellent opinion (NOT FACT), I believe the slow pace of black ops (only slightly slower) help the skilled players who could plan there attacks as oppose to just RUN THROUGH CORRIDoR SPRAY FIRST which is my opinion of IW cod game my favourite of them being MW2 with the excellent RUST

c381996 Shadowmesiah • 2 days ago
And that too but it wasn't nothing like black ops, that's an insult right there. But seriously I've played with dudes on mw3 who play nothing but black ops and say they can't stand it because the twitch reflexes are a little faster and maps are a little smaller.

    • Shadowmesiah c381996 • 2 days ago
      Lots of things were copied off black ops. Limited Marathon, knife only weapon, loss of akimbo weapons, Was totally slowed down like Black Ops.

Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • a day ago
Also Black ops had the funner games to play with friends such as sticks and stones (TALK ABOUT DRAMA), Gun Game which is in Ghosts and it's so much fun to knife someone who is on the final gun, and other such pleasantries

      1. Shadowmesiah npegoy • 2 days ago
        COD isn't famous for it's campaign's.....i'm just sayin

    1. Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • a day ago
      MW1 was famous at first for its edgy campaign, MW2 had its big russian terrorist attack which made the news before the multiplayer, BIG RED one and Call of Duty from the PC games all have campaigns that are the main focus. I suppose it is your OPINION that matters and everyone is entitled to one

    2. Shadowmesiah Jewcy9154 • 2 days ago
Sounds like you had no ram or slow internet if you think it was too big for the RAM lmfao. Android is the best OS for phones and tablets.

    • Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 16 hours ago
      Opinion, some people like IoS more and believe it to be miles ahead of android but that's their opinion and they have a right to have one

    • TickerShuffle Shadowmesiah • a day ago
      you can get full blown windows on a tablet and that is hard to beat. Dell Venue $200 is handy unit, as much as it kills me to advocate dell and their incestuous relationship with Intel. I'm an AMD guy,

    • Shadowmesiah TickerShuffle • 16 hours ago
      That's what PC's and Laptops are for. Full blown windows. Most people either get Android or Apple when it comes to phones and tablets. Windows phones are good though they haven't been around as long as android. I haven't had much to do with them........As far as apple is concerned I would never get ANYTHING apple. GGotta use itunes.....what a croc of sh*t.

      • Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 16 hours ago
        Opinion, as a mac owner who uses my mac for creative software and also the occasional game plus being hooked up to my iPhone it's fantastic the synergy between them. My opinion is that android isn't better than IoS
Jewcy9154 Shadowmesiah • 2 days ago
I had the best plan I could get in Australia? I had a 4G network connection? look seriously, the phones are complicated, they are slow and sluggish and I'm not the first one to list that issue on here.

      • Shadowmesiah Jewcy9154 • a day ago
        4G that was only available in the middle of major cities lmfao
        You need ram and you need to connect to wi-fi.........and you need to not use software that requires too much ram.

Shaggydan22 Shadowmesiah • 16 hours ago
YAY a FACT, delivered a bit arrogantly but an actual fact.

Shadowmesiah  Shaggydan22 -16 hours ago

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